
The Early Signs of Oral Cancer

March 16, 2017

Many people are knowledge about the threat of oral cancer. We also know about the risks of smoking and how it can lead to oral cancer. What’s not as widely discussed is that oral cancer can show up anywhere in the mouth, including the lips, tongue, and cheeks.

Oral cancer has a few warning signs in its early stages. It can often feel like a canker sore that refuses to fade away. You may also notice lumps in your mouth, including the lips and gums. A few other noticeable symptoms of oral cancer include the following: white or red patches, unexplained bleeding from your mouth, bad breath, weight loss, and trouble speaking or chewing. It’s possible you may also experience a sore throat, pain in your ear, or a change in your voice.

It’s important you come into [practice_name] for your annual cleaning so that Dr. [doctor_name] can check for any signs of oral cancer that you may have missed at home. After our friendly staff finishes your cleaning, Dr. [doctor_name] will check your mouth to monitor for any abnormalities by using either his glove, a special light, or dye.

If anything unusual is found, it may not be cancer-related. We will run tests on the issue and advise you on what should be done for treatment.

To schedule your check-up with Dr. [doctor_name], please call [practice_name] in [city], [state], at [phone] today.